I am 34 years old and have been going to counseling sessions with Mr. Gacnik for a little over a year. When I contacted Mr. Gacnik, it was quite literally a final gasp for me as far as my mental health went. That morning I had suffered an anxiety attack and at the point I called, I was so exhausted as a result of the anxiety and resulting depression that I felt numb and genuinely like giving up. I can honestly say that that was a turning point for me in my life, Mr. Gacnik answered, and he calmly explained what he did and how our introductory appointment would go, assuring me along the way and providing a clear trajectory for our meeting. When we did meet in person we spoke about my life (though never in a manner that made me uncomfortable, he didn't probe but rather listened) and he very directly asked me what my goals for myself were. This was refreshing as it allowed us to discuss events (both past and present) in a candid way in subsequent appointments and as he made/makes recommendations it has allowed me to and continues to allow me to know why he does so (as he ties it in with the goals, I set for myself.) Also, just in general I will say as a counselor he is always clear with what he says, though he is able to keep a calm and reassuring tone as he explains things. He follows my lead and keeps a light demeanor when I do so, but he also can tell when an event is serious (also admittedly I use humor as a barrier at points and he is very apt at telling when I am joking and when I am "joking" about something.) To put my statement frankly, I cannot give a higher recommendation: no matter what I always leave the office feeling better than when I arrived (regardless of what was discussed that day) and I will fully admit that I have left more than one appointment in tears...though not because I was sad, because I actually felt joy and I was realizing that it had been a very long time since I had.
Mike is an amazing therapist, His office is a safe place and he is empathetic and truly cares.
Mike has empowered me by showing me how to rethink and retwire my brain by using different techniques to work through past and present traumas in my life. He actively listens to me and while I still have work to do, the progress I have made in just a year is tremendous.
Jeannie, age 59